
The Secure Way to Cultivate

In a certain town where the Buddha was teaching, his followers were always involved in severe arguments. The Buddha would then tell them about the story of King Longevity's tolerance in order that they might reconcile. The Buddha said, “It is impossible to end hatred with hatred. Only compassion and patience can extinguish the flames of resentment.”

Although many of them were moved by the Buddha's words and tried to do as he taught, there was still a minority who favored arguments and would never give in. At this time, the Buddha remembered the humble and patient Annurudha, who was then cultivating in the woods. So the Buddha went on his own to see him.

Besides Annurudha, Kimbila and Nandiya were also cultivating in the woods. The three of them were first cousins of the same generation, and they remained very close even after their renunciation. They had an agreement to follow the Buddha in all his instructions to cultivate.

Of the three of them, Annurudha had already attained the Arhat state, while Kimbila and Nandiya had also attained enlightenment in the summer retreat the previous year. Three holy ones coming together to cultivate obviously meant harmony and peace.

They had mutually agreed to abstain from speech except once every five days to report on their individual findings on their cultivation and how to improve on the content of their living. On normal days, the one who returned earliest from begging would have to prepare the beds, carry water for daily use and have the accessories laid ready for feet washing. Food that had been left over would have to be saved in a cool place or in uncontaminated water for the others who might not have enough to eat. When everything was prepared, he could then wash his own hands and feet, and tidy up the mat before practicing on chanting, sutra recitation, or meditation.

The next one to return could eat the leftover food, and if there should still be food left, he would have to go through the same procedure before doing his own practice. This would go on until the evening, when the one first to come out of meditation would check to see if there was still enough water for use. If not, he would have to go and get some more. If it was too heavy to carry, he could motion for assistance. Still remaining silent, they would carry the water together before returning to their rooms. This was the tranquil way of life they conducted in the serene woodlands.

The Buddha, who disliked places of bustling uproar, came to visit Annurudha in the woods. A sentry guarding the woodlands did not recognize the Buddha, and mistook him for a stranger. This was not surprising as the Buddha was always traveling to teach, and was usually accompanied by his followers. Coming forward to stop the Buddha, he said, “Please do not go in, as there are three holy ones practicing inside.” Smiling, the Buddha said calmly, “Please tell them they have a visitor. I am sure they would like to see me.”

The sentry did as proposed, and the three were very pleased to see the Buddha. They hurried out to welcome him, and quickly made his bed and poured water for him to wash his feet. After settling in, he asked, “Annurudha! Are you practicing securely here? Do you have lack anything?”

Annurudha replied, “Buddha! In my cultivation, I have been lucky to have good conditions and good fortune. Pure practice is with me, and I have abandoned subjective opinions in order to learn the conduct of the saints and virtuous. My cultivation is therefore very secure, and my mind is enriched and contented. I need nothing more.”

The Buddha then turned to Kimbila and Nandiya who assured him of the same. Very happy to hear that, the Buddha said, “You have practiced harmoniously without conflicts. You live so happily, devoting yourselves only to one mind, one merit, one teacher, one way. There is nothing better in life than this perfect harmony.”

Having expressed his praise, the Buddha further recounted his own past experience of cultivation to encourage them. Having left the crowd full of conflicts and met with the Sangha of concord, the Buddha felt delighted to have come to the woods. This unexpected visit from his Master also made Annurudha extremely blissful and thankful.

Note: Those with Buddhist Dharma within them are the wealthiest. The Dharma is a treasure which holds unlimited resources. But it is only when putting Dharma into practice that both body and mind can find peace and harmony.



New Age or the Old Way

Question: What is your view of the popular New Age view that we create our own reality? At the moment I feel somewhat torn in my focus between the traditional wisdom teachings such as Buddhism and New Age, contemporary philosophy. The former is about waking up from the dream while the latter seems to often be about making the dream, i.e. our lives in this world, more pleasant, abundant and satisfying.

I understand that Buddhism teaches that we create our own reality depending on the thoughts we have and the way we view people and situations. However the New Age focus is very much on changing the actual circumstances according our will and desire through techniques of "manifestation", like visualizations, affirmations etc. I have found that the general belief is that we can manifest happiness, abundance, good relationships, anything at all, if we genuinely believe we deserve them and focus properly on getting them. Whether we have the karma to have these things doesn't seem to be an issue, and I've even heard statements to the effect that "Karma is real only if you believe in it". Personally, I don't buy that one!

The way of traditional wisdom, such as the Buddhist, appears to be vastly superior in that it offers a way to get off the wheel of rebirth altogether, as well as a greater focus on helping others to become happy. However, I often find myself drawn to the New Age philosophy as it seems to offer a way to at least be more comfortable and satisfied with my life as it is right now. I wonder if there would be less struggle in my life if mastered some of the techniques of manifestation. I wonder if I would have more to give to others if I had more resources myself instead of perpetually struggling to get by in life. I even feel that if I had more money, I would have more time to myself to practice spiritually, go to retreats etc. and that perhaps these techniques could help me get it. Having said that, I'm also aware that there is such limited time in life, I had better get my priorities straight as to the best way to employ it and not dribble it away on temporary fixes.

I do know people who are successful, prosperous and quite happy in life who claim that these New Age philosophies and techniques of "magic and manifestation" have helped them to become that way. It's tempting to want to find out what it is they know, but I feel concerned that this may pull me away from a more authentic spirituality of the kind that Buddhism embodies.

Can you offer any insights?


Response: First, this is an excellent question and one which doesn’t bear cutting down. So I’ve posted the entire email. And thank you for giving me permission in advance to use it here.


“Karma is real only if you believe in it.”

This is like saying gravity is real only if you believe in it. Rather risky. ;-)

Also, karma—cause and effect—can be as simple as doing something to help another person and feeling happy or making someone cry and feeling badly. And for those recommending visualization to make something happen, that’s cause and effect! I do and something happens. I speak and something happens. And in visualization, I think and something happens. So to me it seems a tad confusing to apply principles of cause and effect on the one hand while denying them on the other.


“We create our own reality.”

Well we do, but not exactly in the way referred to above. Feeling I “deserve” to have a life that is more pleasant, abundant, and satisfying doesn’t mean it will happen. For example, I may feel that I deserve to have a beautiful garden, but that won’t create it. To simply visualize or wish for something and then receive it requires an incredible amount of good fortune and merits and virtues from our practice. And frankly, awakened beings who had all these would not be thinking they deserved something, they’d be trying to help others get what they needed.

So the vast majority of us, after the thought “I’d like a garden,” need to prepare the ground, plant the seeds, care for and protect the seedlings, and water them carefully. In other words, I need to plant the causes and provide the right conditions to have the result I wish for.

I daresay there are some people who have both used the above techniques and gained success and prosperity. But such people had already planted the seeds for what they came to enjoy. And they would have received success and prosperity anyway. And I’m also sure there are many people have tried the techniques to no avail. Either they had not planted the seeds for what they visualized, etc., or they did not have the right conditions.


“At the moment I feel somewhat torn in my focus between the traditional wisdom teachings such as Buddhism and New Age, contemporary philosophy...”

The Buddha cautioned that as time went on, there would be increasing numbers of deluded teachers. And so with increasing numbers of deluded students as well, people would have much difficulty discerning the truth from someone’s perception of the truth.

Perhaps you might try looking at intention. The Buddha taught whoever asked him a question. He walked (choosing to neither ride in a carriage nor go on horseback) to where he was invited and lectured. He did not charge or ask for anything in return. Those who could afford to made offerings. Those who had little offered a few cents. Those who had nothing might have only offered a flower or a thank you, but regardless they too received a perfect teaching from the Buddha.

The Buddha taught to not be selfish but to broaden the mind to reach the awareness that we are all one. Rather than wishing for personal prosperity and success, perhaps it would better if we visualized a world where all beings had what they needed to be safe and content, not just oneself. A world where future generations would also have what they needed.

All this wishing for abundance combined with a surge in the population combined with the technology that has enabled us to the deplete natural resources that took millions of years to create in what will be about two centuries, has lead to the thinking that we each can have it all. Perhaps we should be visualizing a world where people are humble and disciplined, and care not about their own prosperity but others’ survival.

We are living in an infinitesimally small blip in time. A time in which we can live like kings! Actually we are living better than kings when we consider how kings used to live. All this royal living is terribly dangerous because we have become ensnared by our craving and greed. Living at the time of the Buddha or in the centuries that followed, how much could people hope to have? We however dream of having everything and think it is normal.

Rather than normal it is a tragic waste: a waste of our world, a waste of our lives. In the past half century when much of the world has enjoyed a rare period of stability—no world wars or great depressions—we have focused not on spiritual growth but on self-indulgence.

History, economics, the principle of finite resources in a closed-world system, and most importantly, the Buddha’s warning not to waste our unbelievably rare opportunities to practice all point to not wasting time in indulging ourselves. Instead of seeking to enjoy ourselves more for a few decades, we need to strive to end the suffering of all beings for uncountable lifetimes.

As Pure Land practitioners, you and I do this by living morally and chanting “Amituofo” so we can be reborn in the Western Pure Land. From there we can come back to help all those we have vowed to help.

To me it’s a simple choice: indulge myself or help others.



Think of Them as Distractions

I just did a search for the phrase “wandering thoughts” and found that I have written about them twenty-five times on this blog. Actually, that is a small percentage compared to how often my teacher, Venerable Master Chin Kung, mentions wandering thoughts in his talks. Perhaps one of the reasons I mention them less is that “wandering thoughts” is difficult to understand. (Or maybe it works better in Chinese.)

What is a wandering thought?

If it's getting close to meal time and I intentionally think of a veggie burger for lunch, is that a wandering thought? What if I think I’d like to do something nice for someone, is that one? Or how about when I'm working on one project and think of something I need to do for another? Is that a wandering thought? Or simply multi-tasking?

In a recent discussion about thoughts and feelings and wandering thoughts, the question arose as to whether feelings fit into this category. Then the suggestion was made that perhaps “distractions” would be easier to understand.

It was a very good suggestion because we all understand what distractions are.

When we’re at work and concentrating on a project that is due at the end of the day and notice that it's getting close to lunchtime and that we’re hungry and we start thinking of a veggie burger and onion rings, the feeling of hunger and the resultant thoughts are distractions because they broke our concentration. (And yes, we ate a good breakfast so we're in no danger of starvation. ;-))

If we're doing our practice of chanting "Amituofo" and remember we wanted to stop by the store on the way home and get a birthday present for a friend, yes that's a distraction because we were supposed to practicing. And in this situation, the feeling that we wanted to something nice was also a distraction.

And one we all do. If we're working on one project and think of something for another, then our train of thought was broken and we were distracted. It will take effort to get back into what we were previously doing. So no matter how brilliant the distracting idea was, it was still a distraction.

So try thinking of wandering thoughts as distractions, whether they are feelings or the thought that immediately follows the feeling.



Who Will Foot the Bill?

Opening shot: Restaurant kitchen

WAITER in a tuxedo is filling a huge tray with plates of lobster, steak, chicken, and fish dishes. We follow WAITER out the kitchen double doors into the noisy chaos of the dining room.

Shot: Table

MAN and WOMAN are drinking their third bottle of champagne. MAN is smoking cigar as WAITER brings tray to table and other WAITERS appear to light something on fire. Flambé!

Shot: Close up of mouths

Graphic shots of chewing, gulping, juice running down chins.

Pan to: Two children sit at the table quietly watching their parents eat and drink and smoke. BOY, 6, and GIRL, 4, have a glass of water set in front of them.

Shot: Table

WAITER appears with another huge tray, this time filled with desserts, while other WAITERS take away the plates of half-eaten dinner. WAITER presents the tab to MAN with a flourish. MAN waves off tab and nods towards BOY. WAITER sets tab in front of BOY. BOY stares down at bill.

Shot: Parking lot

MAN and WOMAN stagger towards large tank-like vehicle, opening with a remote beeper. MAN loosens tie. WOMAN kicks off high heels and carries them. WOMAN turns to blow kiss to CHILDREN standing at door. WAITER holds his hands on CHILDREN's shoulders. Tank peels out, as WAITER turns CHILDREN to go back in the kitchen. Fade to black screen.


It's wrong to ask our kids to pay our bills.

Picture of planet EARTH appears, spinning. Montage of ice crashing into the oceans, deserts cracking open the earth, burning forests, oil spilling into the ocean, fish gasping for breath, faster and faster. Black again.


Global warming is changing the planet.

What are you doing to stop it?

Last shot: Restaurant kitchen

(From behind) A row of children, including BOY and GIRL, are standing on chairs in front of the many restaurant sinks as they start washing the mountain of dishes left behind by their parents.


Many thanks to Peak Oil Hausfrau for writing what could be the year's best commercial.



Resting on One’s Laurels is Hazardous to One’s Happiness

Once after giving a talk on Buddhism, my hostess said she had not previously heard a monastic talk so much about cause and effect. Thinking back on that, I realized that she had probably not heard many, if any at all, monastics from the schools in Chinese Buddhism. Her background lay primarily with Tibetan Buddhism and Zen.

After Buddhism came to China in 67 AD, the Mahayana teachings were gradually incorporated into the foundation of Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism emphasizes filial piety and the individual's relationships to other people. Taoism emphasizes cause and effect. So Chinese Buddhism often emphasize the Buddha's teachings of cause and effect. Since my teacher, Ven. Master Chin Kung is from China, he speaks often of causality, and thus so do I.

When I was a teenager and read about cause and effect, it answered the "Big" questions for me. So it was only reasonable that when my conditions matured and I was ready for serious study and practice of Buddhism—three decades after my initial encounter—that I should be drawn to a teacher who spoke so often of cause and effect, and conditions.

Also, I write and talk a lot about causality because I believe it is so important for us to realize how it totally permeates our lives. And since it is so dominant, we need to be constantly vigilant and not rest on our laurels, thinking we've done everything necessary to insure our happiness.

We cannot think that just because something we worked at happened that it will last forever and then stop working at it.

We cannot think that we can stop doing the things we did that won the heart of the person who loves us deeply or of the person who cares about us a great deal and assume they will always love or care about us.

We cannot take anything for granted, thinking it was long meant to be and will thus continue for a long time.

We cannot forget about conditions.

Just as we worked hard in past lifetimes to be able to receive something today, we need to continue working hard to ensure we will still have it tomorrow. If we fail to continue to create good conditions, what we have will be gone. We cannot fall into the trap of thinking something is our due or that we have done everything we were required to do.

We cannot stop thinking the good thoughts, saying the good words, and doing the good things that brought to us the good things we now enjoy, and would be wise to appreciate.