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How Will I Behave Today and the Rest of My Life?

website is published



and working!

It's the "working" part that gets the TADAH!. The digital eBooks took some work, hence I kept toting my 17" laptop back and forth to our IT building for Mr. Tao to help me publish the new format and then attempt to figure out why it wasn't working. I was afraid that people would either think that he wasn't very good at fixing computers (he is) or I was really tough on computers (don't think I am).

We started with our Australia server, then tried our Hong Kong server, and ended up on our China server. So the site is a touch slow, but it WORKS!

I'm so happy...

Oh! Click on Jacques and he'll do the rest.


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Reader Comments (4)

Congrats! It's beautiful! :-)
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSue K
Hi Venerable. Thank you for having this page, I used to listen to Master Chinkung's DVDs, but since my chinese language is limited, often i find it difficult to grasp what he says, even talks by dr.zhong is quite incomprehensible. but now that i have found your pages and links from youtube, i am very happy as whenever i have problems understanding, i can listen to your explanations and read your blog for guidance. Thank you again.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterak
Congratulations, Venerable!
The book is delightful and beautiful.
I'm so happy for you, and for all the people who get to read it.
Are you also going to publish a hard copy of the book? I love turning the virtual pages and hearing the paper swish. Good touch.
But I still love to hold a book in my hands and enjoy the feel of it. Thank you for this good work.
January 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCameo

Aha! You went straight to the eBook! ;-)

Under the tab "The Book" it explains that the paperback books are currently being printed and should be available the second quarter of the year. There will then be a list of where the books can be obtained in different countries.
January 30, 2010 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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