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I Resolve

I resolve not to kill.

Instead, I will respect all beings.


I resolve not to steal.

Instead, before taking or using anything that does not belong to me,

I will ask permission of the owner.


I resolve not to engage in sexual misconduct, or any sensory indulgence.

Instead, I will develop the mind of self-restraint and purity.


I resolve not to use false speech.

Instead, I will speak the truth in a wise way and at the right time.


I resolve not to use harsh speech.

Instead, I will speak words that benefit others and foster peace. 


I resolve not to use divisive speech.

Instead, I will speak words that foster harmony and understanding. 


I resolve not to use enticing speech.

Instead, I will speak sincerely and truthfully.


I resolve to refrain from greed.

Instead, I will open my heart and practice giving.


I resolve to refrain from anger.

Instead, I will develop patience

and the compassion to see the suffering of others.


I resolve to refrain from ignorance.

Instead, I will discipline myself and calm my mind

so that I can face everything with wisdom.

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Reader Comments (2)

I have printed your I RESOLVE poem and intend to study it when I do my morning practice, It is so clear and beautifully phrased. One thing brings up a question. It's the vow to not engage in any sensory indulgence. Does this mean to not allow music to soothe my pain, or the beauty of nature to stop my thoughts and observe the perfection? As an artist, I do indulge my senses. Is it possible you mean to never enjoy the experience of being alive nor the comforting experience of feeling the sunlight on my body? This is a hard one for me. My art work and poetry are sensual experiences. Are they wrong? Please help me to understand.
February 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCameo

I used the phrase "sensory indulgence." Merriam Webster wasn't that helpful on indulgence but they were on self-indulgence -"excessive or unrestrained gratification of one's own appetites, desires, or whims".

For now we can try to cut back on "excessive." Later, as we progress in our practice, we will work through all the stages of letting go of our attachments to wanting sensory input.

We're not at the high point on the scale, but closer to the bottom. So don't worry about it now. When we're at the point we need to let go, we will. For now we just need to head off in the right direction, letting go of the things we can one-by-one.

Also, it's a matter of attachments. I don't crave the sunlight or a beautiful sunset, but when I see them, I enjoy them. Then when they are gone, I don't think of them.
February 9, 2010 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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