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Always bear in mind that 

even our smallest deed 

can impact others. 

Most of us would like to help others, to make a difference in their lives. Some may choose careers of service. Committed to a cause, others may support it financially. Or dedicate their free time to volunteer work. The more we care, the more we want to do. Seeking to make a difference in the world, we consider the big picture.

But not everyone has the conditions to act at this level. And even those who can would do well to also look at the “small” picture because even the most minor action can impact others. Indeed, the degree of the impact is relative to the sincerity accompanying the action.

A polite “thank you” is always appreciated. But when that “thank you” is accompanied by a smile that carries up to the person’s eyes, and you feel the smiling person is genuinely thinking of you at that moment, it can carry us for quite some time.

So it’s not the magnitude of the action that makes a difference—it’s the sincerity.

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