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Graciousness: a timeless virtue.

Graciousness. What a lovely, old-fashioned word. It brings to mind ladies in hooped skirts and men in top hats out for a morning stroll through the park.

Yes, well, that’s an unfortunate image.

Why? Because graciousness is the unselfish offering of courtesy, being accommodating and kind, and respecting others and being at ease with oneself. It’s not a virtue we should ascribe to a past age. We need it today if there is to be a tomorrow.

Let’s fast-forward one of those couples to today. Fully kitted out for their morning jog, smartphones tucked into their armbands and earbuds in, our couple is busily making calls to get an early start on the day. In their world, and woefully in ours too, graciousness is not on the agenda.


There’s no time to let someone give his opinion before offering yours?

No time to let someone in line ahead of you? Compliment a co-worker on a job well done? Play with your child? No time?

There’s always time for the things we want to do. Always.

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