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Wisdom from the Master



  • Today, people might ask, “Why should I help others?” They do not understand the true re­ality of life and the universe, thinking others and they are not one, so why should they help? This is similar to one’s left hand being bitten by a mosquito. Would the right hand help to shoo away the mosquito or would it ask, “Why should I help the left hand, it isn’t me?” As worldly people, we have deluded thoughts and behavior, not realizing that all sentient beings and we are one entity.


  • We are born to receive our karmic results that we have previously planted. Our good karmas result in comfort and happiness. Our bad karmas result in hardship. But how many people willingly receive and accept these consequences? If we are unwilling to accept the results from our past karmic deeds then we are in the process of creating new karmas.


  • Trying to achieve awakening through two different methods is like trying to enter the cultivation hall through two different doors. It cannot be done.


  • The Buddha appeared in this world for one reason: to light the lamp of truth, thus to lead us away from the darkness of our own ignorance.


  • The Buddha's light spreads throughout the universe. What about us? Our wandering, deluded and deviated thoughts likewise spread throughout the universe.


  • The mind of a Buddha is like still water. It can sense the slightest vibration from our mind. Our minds are so agitated that we cannot even tell when we are hit by a major thought wave.


  • In life after life we have had relationships with all sentient beings. Some are good affinities; some are bad. We encounter beings who are easy to be with. This is due to the good affinity we previously planted. We also encounter beings who are difficult to be with. This is due to the bad affinity we previously planted because we were confused and deluded. But now we know how to resolve these bad affinities through filial piety and respect.


  • One then should not attach to either good or bad deeds, because good would have one go to the upper three realms (heavens, As­uras and humans), and bad karma to the lower three realms (animals, hungry ghosts and hells). However, whichever way, we are still mired in reincarna­tion.


  • To be patient is not just to be patient with others but to be patient with our own practice as well.


  • Stillness is our true permanent nature. We practice concentration to return to this stillness.


  • Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are around us all the time. In our lives when we encounter hardships someone may walk by and give us exactly the advice we needed to hear. If we ask them why they said it, they would say they didn't know. This is how Buddhas and Bodhisattvas help us.


~ Based on the teachings of Venerable Master Chin Kung


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