July 13, 2018
Venerable Wuling in Chanting, Cultivation

Nurture good seeds 

to overwhelm the bad. 

The honeysuckle shrub can grow so tightly compacted that even the most persistent weeds cannot invade it. The plant stands untouchable—any attempted incursion would be forestalled. We can only imagine the stamina of the seeds, the tenacity of the roots that enables the plant to remain impregnable.

Imagine if we plant Amituofo seeds with similar stamina and tenacity in our mind. And then we supported those seeds by planting more and more of them.

In time, those seeds would grow, their once-shallow roots becoming strong.

Provided with the right conditions through our cultivation and mental weeding of bad habits, our Amituofo seeds would thrive. In time, like those dense, impregnable roots of the honeysuckle, our good roots would forestall any incursion. With this accomplished, our garden will bloom, our fruit of birth in the Pure Land will mature.

Finally, we will go home.

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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