April 14, 2018
Venerable Wuling in Meditation, Respect

Taking care of objects is a sign of respect

for those objects and our environment. 

We know we should observe the first of the ten great vows, which is to respect all Buddhas of the past, present, and future. But how do we treat our stuff? We respect things as well. Do so as a meditation. Organizing, cleaning, putting objects back in their proper places, while we chant “Amituofo,” are all ways to care for individual objects and our immediate environment correctly.

This respect shows our appreciation as we understand that it’s due to our good fortune that we have all we do. Viewing objects in this way entails considering each item’s intended use and—in appreciation for all the resources and time expended in creating and getting them to us—ensuring that they’re properly utilized and cared for.

If we find we no longer have a use for something, we can pass the object on so someone can put it to use, rather than let one more forgotten, unwanted object collect dust at the back of a closet.

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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